Open 10am to 5pm


Wildlife Garden

Sit back and relax in our wildlife garden - or explore and discover the local wildlife.

The Visitor Centre is surrounded by a beautiful wildlife garden that visitors can enjoy.  


You can bring your dogs into the garden, but they must be well-behaved and kept on their lead.


It contains many different examples of habitat that encourages the local wildlife:

  • Grasses & bonsais
  • Purbeck limestone herb planter
  • Wildflower beds
  • Native grasses
  • ‘Wild’ area encompassing bug hotels, log piles, compost bin, brambles, nettles and a hedgehog house
  • Pond
  • Bog garden
  • Rockery
  • Living willow sculpture
  • Native hedges
  • Fruiting trees
  • Mini beast area


Along with the wildlife, the garden is home to some wonderful carved benches depicting the local flora and fauna as well as the subterranean play tunnel – giving children the chance to learn what animals live underground.




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